Shout out to all the moms out there!
Being a mom is tough. Its nothing like I imagined it.... there I said it! Call me a bad mom if you want but I don't think that anyone ever thought that getting pooped on and thrown up on and your boobs hurt, and your feet wont work like they used to was the #1 reason to become a mom... I mean if it was, I applaud you.
Can we talk about how the sleepless nights are? I mean your cute little one is all snuggled in their crib, looking as cute as can be and not even 2 hours later is screaming their heads off... and why? We don't know why most of the time! I have lost count how many times I have gotten up, gotten B down and headed back to bed to get back up 30 minutes later.. and as I'm writing this - he's not even 4 months old.
Was it what you expected? How about the postpartum? Pregnancy? Do you feel it was worth it?
Fuck yeah its worth it! The smiles, the snuggles, the bright eyes of amazement for something that we think is ordinary. Its totally worth it to see the joy (when its around). I love the babbling, the giggle, the faces they make when they are exploring new things. Thats what I thought it would be like (just ALOT more hours of it).
So true!! Not what I expected at ALL! Everyone says they feel connected with their baby before they were born, but I didn’t feel that. I I felt horrible comparing myself to others who seemed like they had it all together. No one talks about postpartum depression or miscarriages. I was totally unprepared!! 😅